The Roots.

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The first Riverbend Kidz post of the year! My hope is that you as parents, leaders, church members, and everyone that has anything to do with teaching children will grasp the importance of training children up in the way they should go and placing in them the tools needed to face this crazy world that they are growing up in. So, here is the first thought that has been going around and around in my head this first month of January.

Roots: “the part of a plant which attaches it to the ground or to a support, typically underground, conveying water and nourishment to the rest of the plant via numerous branches and fibers.”

  • What do you want your child’s roots to be in?
  • Where does their identity come from?
  • What are we helping them attach to, to help them grow and learn in God?
  • What are we helping them focus on? Are we helping them put God first?

You don’t force a plant to grow; you nurture it and water it, make sure it has the right amount of sunlight, give it the food it needs everyday…and then you will watch it grow. Where do we want our childrens roots in? Do we want them in sin and the cares of this world or do we want them in the truth?

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Sometimes, we look at the bible and think its only for adults, but that is so very far from the truth. We have the ability to help our children study the word, memorize verses, put together good habits in prayer and fasting, and giving their all in worship and praise. But, they have to be encouraged. They have to be helped. They look to us as examples; so where are our roots at? As teachers, parents, caretakers, pastors, leaders? Let’s strive to put God first in our lives, in our family’s lives, in everything we say and do. Let’s nurture our hearts and our minds and help our children grow a love for God in their heart that will never go away! It will be rooted and grounded forever! 

What can I do?

  • Before video game time, have them read a chapter or go over a bible verse.
  • At church? Have them pray with their other friends, or you or encourage them to sit with others and pray with them. 
  • Encourage them to worship- clap hands, sing the songs, pay attention to something that was said or sang and go over it at home (could be only 5 minutes- anything!)
  • Morning time rush- on the way to school, say 5 things you are thankful for.
  • Night time? Say a prayer together or pick someone specific to pray for.

Need more encouragement? Comment or send us a message! We’d love to help!

Riverbend Kidz are world changers NOW! Let’s get on board!

A Big Calling in a Small Life.

A prayer warrior.

A preacher.

A teacher.

A musician.

A praiser.

A missionary.

A bible reader.

A bible quizzer.

A Children’s Ministry Leader.

A Youth Leader.

A small group leader.

A witness.

These things and so many more are the plans God has for our children. Yes, our CHILDREN. Myself and Sis. Kim have been drawn to the words: purpose, calling, plan. God is trying to instill in these children that they can begin their journey with Jesus at this young age. They can pray, fast, read the bible, SEEK God for his purpose in their life. A couple weeks ago we learned that we can do all the good things in the world, but we can’t make someone else live a life for God. They have to do that themselves. We can teach, help, preach to them and guide them, but in the end, every person makes their own decisions. These kids are wise beyond their age because God is helping them grow and learn more and more every Wednesday night.

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We have prayer meetings for Riverbend Kidz to lead, we have children’s church on Wednesday nights, we have Sunday School on Sunday mornings….but that can’t be where it stops. We need parents, grandparents, young people, older people, we need the church to help at home. Jesus needs us to be a light for these children. We need to encourage them to read the bible, to pray for God’s calling in their lives. You’re 8 year old may have a calling to be a missionary…but without your passion and encouragement they may not be able to step out of their comfort zone. 

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Sometimes it takes several small seeds to be planted, not just one. God has planted these kids in our hands for a reason. He has planted us as teachers for a reason. He has planted YOU as a parent for a reason. Be apart of this life changing ministry. Let’s bind together and pray for these children. Let’s put action on these prayers and begin to move forward with these children! Let’s encourage them to pray for people in the grocery store, the school, to doctor’s office. Let’s encourage them to put down the video games, us put down our phones and read the bible together. Let’s grow with Jesus and let’s help these kids grow with us!

Mirror, Mirror.

Imagine this: a little boy, sitting at school, thinking to himself: “I’m not enough.” Imagine this: a little girl thinking in her mind: “I can’t do this, it’s too hard.” Imagine a family broken down, tired, alone, frantic with the weight of the world crushing them over the dinner table; the bills, the pain, the trials. Imagine a teacher at a public school, stressed out and the weight of the responsibility she has on her shoulders, but yet still struggling at home too. Imagine a Pastor, racking his brain for the answers of all that life has demanded: “Jesus, what do I do?”

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The world crushes us sometimes and it makes the world hard to live in because when the devil gets a hold of our mind, he can get a hold of everything else in our lives. The world tells us, it tells our children, it tells our families all of the lies above and below:

  •  You aren’t enough, child.
  • Mom, you are trying hard enough.
  • Dad, what you are doing, isn’t working.
  • Teacher, These kids don’t care.
  • Pastor, you can pull, but no one will come.

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That is when the faith of a child comes in. That is when we see our children praying for their friends at school that are alone and hurt. That is when we see our children grabbing mom and dads hand and speaking a prayer over their lives, their finances, the struggles. That is when we see a child writing a note to their teacher and telling her/him- I’m praying for you, you can do this teacher. That is when we see a child giving our pastor a pat on the back, a high five, laying their hand on him and praying for God’s protection and favor for HIS life and his family’s life. That is when we see our children look in the mirror and say, “I am a child of God, and he is going to use me mightily for HIS kingdom! I am enough. I am more that enough. I can do all things through Christ who give me strength. I am beautiful. I am talented. I am loved. I am awesome. I can do this.”

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I said all the above to say...Riverbend Kidz is changing, growing, learning. I saw tonight as tears streamed down a little boys face while we prayed for his friend who has been struggling lately. I saw tonight a little girl get baptized in Jesus name for the first time. I saw tonight our children breaking out of their comfort zone and worshipping. I have seen for the past month small steps of a revival that is coming to the Riverbend. I have seen a shy girl begin to break out of her shell and engage in conversation with us. I have seen a boy who never wanted to do much, break out of his shell and begin to do sign language, action songs, singing loudly on the praise time so people can hear. I have seen our children lay their hands on people and pray for them. Comfort zones are being broken.

I have seen new smiles on faces where I once saw frowns. I have seen new faces come and keep smiling because of how welcomed they feel. I have felt us as teachers growing together, excited about what is to come!

It all starts when we look in the mirror and say (Yes you parents..teachers.. Pastors..) “I am a child of God. I can do great things. God will move through me. He will make me bold. He will place his love in my heart. He will lead me and guide me. I will not be shaken by this world, because I rest in your word.)

The world says, “You’re not enough.” The word says, “Jesus is enough.”

Glow in the Dark.

“Even in our darkest moments, he is our light.” (a quote from a little girl in Riverbend Kidz) When you follow Jesus, you will glow, and then someone else will glow, and then someone else will glow.” (another quote from a little boy in Riverbend Kidz) Wednesday night we talked about glowing in the dark. Jesus is the light, and when we have Jesus in our hearts, WE become a light to others as well.



These days, kids have so much stuff going on in their life. They have bullies, grades, teachers, school, parent issues, fear, all kinds of things. We as adults, and you as parents, also have a lot of stuff going on in our lives. But we all have a choice. Sometimes it’s hard to make that choice. But, you as a parent, have to make that choice. As hard as it is, you have to do the best you can to keep your head up and make the decision to be a light in this dark world. Be a light to your children. We have to be a light as their teachers. We have to choose to let go of our bad day and do our best to shine for these kids. 

We gave the example of carrying around a glow stick. We turned the lights completely off and I hid the glow sticks behind my back. I talked about how this world was dark. The kids had lots of examples of how this world was dark. There is crazy stuff going on the world and on the news, we have bullies at school, family problems, grades, all kinds of stuff. It’s dark and it’s dreary. But, when I took the glow sticks from behind my back, the room lit up. I walked around and talked about how all of this crazy dark stuff is happening, but you have a choice to shine the light of Jesus wherever you go. You can go to who is struggling and tell them you’re praying for them. You can sit with the kid at school who doesn’t have a friend. You can pray with your mom and dad if they are arguing and let them know love them. That is shining the light of Jesus. But, when you hide that light…(I put the glow sticks back behind my back) … you are just like the rest of the dark world. You aren’t shining the light like you should.

So, as a parent, with all the crazy things going on in your life..choose..the best you can to see the good. Choose to be the light that Jesus needs you to be. God has a plan for your family and for you…but you have to make the choice to always follow him and do the best you can to help others, and help your family and your kids follow him.

  1. Talk to your kids about a hard time in your life and how you chose to let your light shine.
  2. Ask the kids to share a time it was difficult for them to let their light shine. Talk about ways they can help their friends.
  3. Make a prayer jar: cut slips of paper and everyday put in the jar something special that you will pray about.
  4. Glow in the Dark campout: Have a fun night. Make a fort or set up a tent in the living room & get some glow sticks. Show them that living a life for Jesus can be FUN!

I Waited So Long For it….Mac & Cheese.

Patience & Praise.

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.” Galatians 5:22-23

This week, the kids led worship out in big church, and then when we went to our class, we learned about Patience. I didn’t really put the two together until I sat down and started typing this out. I am not a patient person, just as most of the kids we teach are also not very patient. (trust me, we know this so well)

Image result for mac and cheeseSo, we asked the kids when was a time that they had to show patience, and if it was hard or if it was easy. There were several different answers, but what stuck out…was the story of mac & cheese. This little boy went to a restaurant with his family & he ordered mac & cheese. Everyone was getting their food, and this little boy was waiting on his mac & cheese. He wanted it SO bad. He was ready for it. It finally came, and he was happy and it was good, but, yeah. That’s how he ended that story. Have you ever been on the side of..”but, yeah…”

Image result for romans 12:12I’m the worst at being patient, like I’ve already said. Have you ever struggled so bad with waiting for something? Maybe, you’ve prayed for something and it has yet to happen. Maybe you’ve fasted about something, but it doesn’t seem to be helping. Maybe even, you’ve received what you prayed for and what caused you to lose your patience…but you found out..that isn’t what you wanted and it caused you more pain than happiness. So, your attitude and your impatience caused you to fall. But, what would happen if you praised when you started to feel impatient? What would happen if you said, “I love you, God, no matter what.” “Even if it doesn’t happen and I’m still waiting, I will still love you.” “God, it’s your timing, not my own.” That child was getting really frustrated and it was hard to wait for that mac & cheese that he wanted so bad…and I have a feeling because that’s how kids are…he was probably constantly talking about it & asking mom, “Where is my mac and cheese?” And it wasn’t a very patient wait. When he finally received it….it may not have been all that he thought it was going to be. Think about that in life. Don’t take it in your own hands and your own thoughts when life doesn’t turn out like you want it. You may have to wait for a while. But, trust, if you’re living the life God wants you to live….God has a plan…and what is meant to be will be in his timing. Your bills will be paid…your kids will behave…your marriage will mend..your relationships will grow stronger. Be patient in everything you do. Even if it’s just waiting for some mac and cheese.

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  1. Devotion Time: Talk with your kids at bedtime..or a quiet time, about a time you yourself had to be patient as a parent. Let them share with you.
  2. Play a fun game of “red light, green light, yellow light.” (talk about how sometimes God’s answers are, stop, wait, or go & the same with our prayers)
  3. Watch a video of a bird hatching from an egg or some other animal…watch as it’s a slow process…but patience is working.
  4. Cotton Ball jar: Every time your child shows patience, put a cotton ball in their jar. When they get so many…get a special prize or go for a special outing.


All You Need to Know is, I’m Struggling.

Image result for why do bad things happen to good peopleThis was the topic of our lesson Wednesday, and the title of this post was a comment made by a child in the class. Can we really imagine what goes on in the minds of kids? I mean, really? Do you as a parent know what goes on in your child’s life? Do you talk to them about their struggles or about what they are battling with on the inside? Are you too caught up in your own stress or in your own happiness that you don’t see what is really going on? Sometimes we can do that. Once again, I’m not a parent, but I’ve been the one to have a bad day and then come to teach these children about Jesus and find myself on edge because of my stress and I’m not really connecting with them like I should. But, they need us, once again, I will continually repeat that. No matter the day we’ve had, they need our best.

Image result for connect with children So, this statement hit me when this child said this…because they didn’t really need to tell what was going on, but you knew something was/is tough in his life but him just saying…just know I’m struggling. So, we learned about Job.

Image result for job 1:21Job was a good man. He loved God with all his heart, yet, God let the devil take away his life. He let the devil test him, because he KNEW that Job would never turn his back on God. Job kept trusting God even when he didn’t understand what he was doing. The kids realized that they too have a choice, just as you as a parent have that same choice. When things are tough…you can choose to give up…or you can choose to keep trusting God and hold on to your faith. But, when this happens…when the trials knocks at your door…don’t take it out on your children, please. Take a breath and look in their eyes, and let them know, “I love you.” They will need that confirmation through whatever it is you may be going through.


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1 Corinthians 5:7- We walk by faith, not by sight. 

Sometimes, we get ourselves into messes. When you lose track on where God has placed you..and you don’t put him first..the trials will come more and more…and it will be on our own account. Your family will face struggles, you will face struggles and it’s because God has been replaced by the desires of the world. The world may look fun…but will it be fun for your children when they forget that God should be number one in their life too? Will it be fun when they start struggling more and more and you don’t know what to do? Yes, God will place battles in our life for us to fight…but sometimes we put ourselves in battles that we weren’t meant to fight and it harms us rather than does us good.


Job 1:21…the Lord gives and the Lord takes away. We are going to face struggles in life, but it is our choice, it is YOUR choice as a parent to help your kids see that when they put God first, God will be with them through the trials they will face, because they will face trials, no matter how much they love God…trials will come. How are you going to lead them?

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  1. Share a time in your life with your kids, that you struggled. How did you keep your faith in God? Make that be a devotion time and a connecting moment with your kids.
  2. Art/Creativity: Draw what “praising God” looks like to you, both in the good and the bad. Get creative and talk about it.
  3. First, get a plain piece of paper, flat, and throw it in the air. See how it lands and doesn’t fly well. Then, make a paper airplane with the creases and fly it how it glides better once you have made creases in the paper. Compare this to trials in our lives, the creases being the trials. The bad things that happen prepare us for what God has for us. If we endure with faith in God, we will be stronger. Make paper airplanes with your child.
  4. Pick someone close that has been struggling, do something nice as a family for that person or family.